Let’s keep this simple! Via life-transforming online video courses, community, and coaching, we solve 3 problems end-to-end: painful ASTHMA, unsustainable PHYSICAL FITNESS & poor MENTAL HEALTH.

Lifelong Scientific Fitness - the Encyclopedia of Nutrition Science, Gym Training (130+ exercises), Freehand Exercises (55+ exercises) & Yoga (20+ exercises)

Beyond Stress & Depression - physical, mental & spiritual methods
My name is Ashish Lal. With the support of my team at RedAsh TV, I offer you multiple scientific, holistic and exhaustive courses that take you step-by-step till the successful end of your problem. Here are the 3 premium courses that have been designed after about one and a half decades of in-depth knowledge & successful experience in these areas.
Scroll down to learn about the 3 life-transforming courses...

Click on the button below to get the FREE "First Lesson on Asthma Reversal" before going for the Full Course "Heal Asthma Using Yoga, Ayurveda & Nutritional Therapy".
The course creator, Ashish Lal, has over 16 years of knowledge and experience of not just curing his severe, chronic and so-called incurable asthma completely, but also helping thousands of people around the globe to heal their asthma, either completely or significantly. He has personally helped asthmatics from India, the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, Morocco, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Japan and many other countries.
You can heal your asthma too. Click below to check out how.
Get FREE First Lesson

This online video course is a 14-hour online video course divided into 19 detailed lessons. It will be the most exhaustive course in the physical fitness domain. It is the Encyclopedia of Nutrition Science, Gym Training (130+ exercises), Freehand Exercises (55+ exercises) and Yoga (20+ exercises). The course is meant to help you attain permanent fitness for life via scientific and holistic methods. Click on the button below to get the first chapter (of 19 chapters) on Fitness Fundamentals for FREE and also know more about the full course. Stay fit, scientifically and for a lifetime!
Get FREE lesson on Fitness Fundamentals

"Beyond Stress & Depression"
The full course comprises detailed 6 lessons which provide a step-by-step guide to healing your mental health issues from its source by using holistic Physical, Mental and Spiritual methods. Before going for the full course, click on the button below to get the FREE first lesson on Understanding Stress & Depression.
Get FREE lesson on Understanding Stress & Depression

About the Creator
Ashish Lal

By education, Ashish Lal is a B.Tech. in Civil Engineering from one of the world's most respected universities - IIT (Indian Institute of Technology), Delhi. After working in a multinational firm for a few years in the Data Analytics domain, Ashish left the corporate world to pursue his dream of making a career in the Hindi film industry, popularly known as Bollywood. He is a reputed actor, writer and filmmaker. He also owns his 15-year-old Mumbai-based film production house RedAsh Films Pvt. Ltd.
As an actor, in the last decade, Ashish has done lead roles in several film, TV and web projects with several veterans and popular Indian actors.
Fitness is an integral part of his acting profession. Hence, since 2009, he took the services of top celebrity nutritionists and celebrity trainers in the film industry, interacted with hundreds of super-fit actors and models, and has been consistently upgrading his knowledge to understand the scientific and practical nitty-gritty of fitness.
Since 2000, Ashish has been consistently doing Yoga - asanas, pranayamas, and meditation. Since 2009, along with Yoga, he has also been regularly doing weight training and freehand exercises.
Since 2006, he has been consistently gaining extensive knowledge of nutrition from authentic sources and following a balanced wholesome diet at least 6 days a week with a maximum of one cheat day per week. After using supplements for a few years, since 2012, he hasn’t consumed any supplements. He’s not against supplements at all, but he creates diet plans to meet his nutrient requirements through natural food only, thus needing no supplements. Ashish does not adhere to or promote any kind of shortcuts or fad diets due to the long-term risks they pose. He believes in lifelong scientific fitness and practices it himself every single day.
Ashish has guided hundreds of thousands of people around the globe, personally and through online posts, in keeping themselves fit and healing, through natural ways, several lifestyle diseases such as obesity, stress, depression, asthma, osteoarthritis, chronic idiopathic urticaria, migraine, allergies etc.
Ashish has dedicated more than 3.5 years to researching, writing and creating this exhaustive course on physical health - Lifelong Scientific Fitness - the Encyclopedia of Nutrition Science, Gym Training (130+ exercises), Freehand Exercises (55+ exercises) & Yoga (20+ exercises). All knowledge in it is scientific and wholesome. It covers everything you need to know about the nuanced science of nutrition and how to make holistic meal plans for permanent fitness. Through hundreds of video footage and pictures, this full video course explains 200+ exercises under 3 systems – gym training (130+ exercises), freehand exercises (55+ exercises), and Yoga (20+ exercises). Behind the exhaustive course "Lifelong Scientific Fitness", there goes over 2 decades of first-hand experience, understanding, and research on scientific fitness. In this course, he shares his scientific and practical knowledge to help others understand and follow the right natural methods to be fit 24 by 7, 365 days a year, for an entire lifetime!
Using a holistic approach, Ashish has cured two of the so-called incurable diseases – chronic & severe osteoarthritis and asthma - using a natural and holistic approach to healing. He has a dedicated course on healing asthma holistically.
Ashish has also battled depression for 3 years but came out permanently stronger using physical, mental and spiritual methods in such a way that even extremely stressful and devastating situations can't take his inherent peace and happiness away. The wisdom he gained during that phase was priceless - only someone who has gone through such a phase and came out wiser can teach others how to practically do it. He has a detailed course, Beyond Stress & Depression, on attaining holistic mental health.
Ashish remains super-fit physically, mentally and spiritually - not temporarily, but 365 days a year, year after year, by following natural and scientific time-tested methods for holistic fitness. To help others, he shares his wisdom and experience not in a lot of short courses, but only through 3 exhaustive and holistic courses on physical fitness, mental health & asthma. His fitness mantra is - "Stay permanently fit, scientifically & holistically!"